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Create stories like the pros

Follow the process Pixar uses to create & exhibit your own story.
Created by Pixar and Khan Academy Veterans.

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Learn from world-class storytellers at Pixar, Netflix, Dreamworks, and more.

Our 8-step program allows you to work at your own pace to create your stories following Pixar's creative process. See how it works.

How it Works

  • Interactive livestreams with industry pros

  • Step by step story development program

  • Library of lessons led by the world's best storytellers

  • Ongoing feedback on your work from our creative community

  • Opportunity to showcase your work in our final exhibition

  • Earn a final Story Xperiential Certificate!

What You'll Get

When you complete a storyreel you can showcase it in our final exhibitions we run three times per year! (May, Sept, Dec)
Exhibition Gallery Preview

"This was the equivalent of getting a Ivy League degree in storytelling."

- Kim | 2022 Participant

"I'm not kidding this is among the most value-rich courses I've EVER taken. It's amazing."

- Cassilda

"I cannot thank you enough for the incredible program and guidance that helped me find my passion and get into CalArts!"

- Makena Schmidt

"The thing that's made this experience so special was the community of folks providing constructive criticism, encouragement, and helpful suggestions."

- Bree J

“So far the experience has been unimaginably impactful. It opened up a whole new perspective on story creation to me.”

- Jr Berner

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