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Create stories like the pros

Follow the process Pixar uses to create & exhibit your own story.

This online experience takes you behind the scenes at Pixar and introduces you to world-class storytellers

Masterclass storytellers

You'll follow the process Pixar uses to create & exhibit a storyreel of your own story

Example of a storyreel
Profile Image of Guest Artist

Brief Biography

Learn from world-class storytellers at Pixar, Netflix, Dreamworks, and more.

At every step you'll get feedback on your work from our global community

At the end, your work will be showcased in a final exhibition


"Your Exhibition was amazing—gave me goosebumps! If that represents the future of filmmakers and storytellers, we have an incredible future ahead of us."

- Marvin L. Logan Jr.
Executive Director, OH WOW!®, The Roger & Gloria Jones Children's Center for Science & Technology

"Students told me that after completing Story XP, they are now more confident about pursuing creative passions in college and in their future careers."

- Sally Nhomi, DPhil (PhD)

High School internship coordinator at Kamehameha Schools

"I'm not kidding this is among the most value-rich courses I've EVER taken. It's amazing."

- Cassilda | 2022 Participant

"It has been such an educational experience and has been so great to construct a story that means so much to me personally. I not only enjoyed participating in the feedback, but I also learned how to offer feedback in a more mindful way that would make it more helpful."

- Nazish Naqvi | 2022 Participant

"This was the equivalent of getting a Ivy League degree in storytelling."

- Kim | 2022 Participant

"What a thrilling experience..the creative team and community has been so supportive and kind... I secretly wish it went on forever and we just keep making stories with everyone

- Verna C. | 2022 Participant

“So far the experience has been unimaginably impactful. It opened up a whole new perspective on story creation to me.”

- Jr Berner | 2022 Participant

"The thing that's made this experience so special was the community of folks providing constructive criticism, encouragement, and helpful suggestions."

- Bree J | 2021 Student Participant


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